Can i trade or sell locker code rewards

Can i trade or sell locker code rewards, and are there any restrictions or penalties for doing so?
Can i trade or sell locker code rewards, and are there any restrictions or penalties for doing so?

Based on the search results, it appears that locker code rewards in NBA 2K24 are intended for personal use only. The game’s developers, 2K Games, do not explicitly permit trading or selling of these rewards.

Jagex’s stance on account-related items

While the search results do not specifically address NBA 2K24 locker codes, Jagex’s “Rules of RuneScape” mention that selling or buying items related to Jagex accounts is prohibited. This includes items obtained through cheating, macroing, or account hijacking. Although this is not directly applicable to NBA 2K24, it suggests a general principle of not allowing the trading or selling of account-related items.

Trading violations and penalties

The search results also mention trading violations and penalties in a broader context. In cases where players buy securities without sufficient funds and then sell them later, their accounts may be restricted for 90 days. This implies that the game’s system is designed to prevent and penalize unfair trading practices.


Based on the available information, it is likely that trading or selling locker code rewards in NBA 2K24 is not permitted. The game’s developers may have implemented measures to prevent such activities, and engaging in them could potentially result in account restrictions or penalties. It is recommended to use locker code rewards for personal gameplay enjoyment only, as intended by the developers.

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