demand for cargo pants

What demographic segments drove the surge in demand for cargo pants, probiotics, and cleaning supplies?
What demographic segments drove the surge in demand for cargo pants, probiotics, and cleaning supplies?

Based on the provided search results, the following demographic segments drove the surge in demand for cargo pants, probiotics, and cleaning supplies:

  • Millennials: The trend towards resealable packages and meals for two, as mentioned in the “Packaging Trends Follow Changing Lifestyle Patterns - Econo Corp” snippet, suggests that Millennials’ changing lifestyle patterns, such as smaller households and increased demand for convenience, contributed to the surge in demand for cargo pants and cleaning supplies.
  • Gen Z and Millennials: The “80% of U.S. Young Adults Likely to Base Purchases on a Brand’s Mission or Purpose” snippet indicates that these age groups prioritize environmental and social responsibility, driving demand for eco-friendly cleaning supplies and probiotics from brands that prioritize sustainability.
  • Single-person households: The “9 Demographic Trends Shaping Retail’s Future” snippet mentions reduced women’s participation in the workforce and income/wealth shifts, leading to an increase in single-person households. This demographic trend likely contributed to the demand for cargo pants, probiotics, and cleaning supplies tailored to individual needs.
  • Health-conscious consumers: The growing focus on hygiene and hygiene transparency, as mentioned in “The great consumer shift: Ten charts that show how US shopping behavior is changing”, suggests that health-conscious consumers, particularly those over 65 years old, drove demand for probiotics and cleaning supplies that prioritize safety and well-being.
  • Environmentally conscious consumers: The emphasis on eco-friendly solutions and sustainable materials in the “Household Care and Laundry Packaging Opportunities” snippet indicates that environmentally conscious consumers, likely across various age groups, contributed to the surge in demand for eco-friendly cleaning supplies and probiotics.

These demographic segments, driven by changing lifestyle patterns, values, and priorities, collectively contributed to the surge in demand for cargo pants, probiotics, and cleaning supplies.

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