specific product

Were there any specific product categories or services that experienced the most significant sales spikes during the event?
Were there any specific product categories or services that experienced the most significant sales spikes during the event?

Based on the provided information, the following product categories and services experienced notable sales increases:

  • Cargo Pants: According to Google Trends, searches for “cargo pants” have been steadily increasing since 2020, with a significant spike in November 2023.
  • Probiotics: During the 2023 Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping holiday, probiotics were among the most popular items ordered, indicating a strong demand for this product category.
  • Cleaning Supplies: The industry has been growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.7%, and cleaning supplies saw a surge in popularity beginning in 2020, suggesting a consistent and significant demand.

These product categories demonstrate notable sales spikes, likely driven by various factors such as changing consumer behavior, marketing campaigns, and external events.

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