the hosting team and their arena

How do nba all-star game attendance figures correlate with the performance of the hosting team and their arena?
How do nba all-star game attendance figures correlate with the performance of the hosting team and their arena?

Based on the provided data, there is no direct correlation between the hosting team’s performance and NBA All-Star Game attendance. The hosting team’s regular-season record or playoff success does not appear to significantly impact attendance figures.

Correlation between NBA All-Star Game Attendance and Arena Capacity

However, the data suggests a correlation between NBA All-Star Game attendance and arena capacity. The 2022-2023 NBA regular season saw a record 791 sellouts, with arenas filled to an all-time-high 97% capacity. This indicates that larger arenas with higher capacities tend to host more fans for the NBA All-Star Game.

Notable Exceptions

While the correlation between arena capacity and attendance holds true for most cases, there are exceptions. For instance, the 2021 NBA playoffs saw teams like the Dallas Mavericks and Phoenix Suns, with smaller arenas, still hosting a significant number of fans (near full capacity) for their playoff games.


In summary, the NBA All-Star Game attendance figures do not appear to be directly influenced by the hosting team’s performance. Instead, arena capacity plays a more significant role, with larger arenas generally hosting more fans. However, there may be exceptions depending on factors like team popularity, market demand, and local fan enthusiasm.

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