What specific metrics are used to calculate a team's won-lost-tied percentage in common games?

What specific metrics are used to calculate a team's won-lost-tied percentage in common games?


Based on the provided search results, the specific metric used to calculate a team’s won-lost-tied percentage in common games is:

  • Wins (number of games won) divided by Total Games (including wins, losses, and ties) in the common games played between teams.

For example, if two teams have played 10 common games, with 7 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie, the won-lost-tied percentage would be:

(7 wins + 0.5 × 1 tie) / 10 total games ≈ 0.75

This calculation is consistent across various sports, including baseball, basketball, and football, as evident from the search results.

Note: In some cases, ties may be counted as half a win and half a loss, as mentioned in one of the search results. However, this variation does not affect the fundamental calculation of won-lost-tied percentage in common games.


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